My Favorite 3D Hip Strength Exercise – Dynamic Side Plank Clamshells
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and New Year! Today I wanted to talk briefly about one of my favorite exercises I have started use a lot: the dynamic side plank clamshell. This is a combination of a few exercises, aimed to recruit certain…

Why I Have Gymnasts Track Sleep, Fatigue, and Soreness Every Day
Click Below to Download Free Tracking Sheets
2017 Tracking Sheets Wildcats
One of the most helpful things I have started doing with our gymnasts is basic daily tracking and monitoring. By this, I mean having our competitive gymnastics team…

10 Quick Tips – Safely Developing Hip Flexibility in Gymnasts
I've written some pretty in-depth articles on my thoughts related to hip flexibility research, injury mechanisms, and in gym methods, I think are useful. If you want to check them out, take a peek here, here, and here.
Also, if you want to…

10 Quick Tips – Reducing Injury Risk During Gymnastics Season
I'm really excited to be getting back into writing more content in the next few months. I asked a lot of readers what was the most helpful, and one thing they mentioned was "Quick Tip" type blog posts.
People seem to really like being able…

Online Access to the Gymnastics Physical Preparation Masterclass with Nick Ruddock is Now Available!
Last month I had the huge honor of being invited to speak in the United Kingdom along side Nick Ruddock. Nick has over 12 years of experience coaching at the elite and Olympic level of gymnastics. He has consulted with 12 gymnastics federations,…

Sideplank Clam/Reverse Clam for Hip Strength – Video Quick Tip
I'm a huge fan of using doublets or triplets in our strength program to sneak in some much needed, but often overlooked, hip exercises for the smaller stabilizer muscles. They are so important for both injury prevention and optimal hip performance…

The Best Strength Exercise Gymnasts Aren’t Using – The Deadlift
With the amount of time and focus that the majority of coaches place on strength and conditioning within gymnastics, I don’t think there is any debate about the fact that gymnasts need to be strong. However, there are many different methods…

Renegade Rows for Core Strength and Horizontal Pulling Balance
Today I wanted to quickly share another one of my favorite go to exercises when working with athletes of all kinds. It is used to build core strength, core control, and upper body horizontal pulling strength This exercise is called a renegade…

Increase Leg Power and Safety with Reactive Depth Jumps
After posting a very popular article on 5 of my favorite lower body power exercises, I had a lot of people contact me asking if I could break down a few exercises further. Today, I wanted to share an exercise I think needs to be a staple in…

Healthcare Quick Tip – Unique Eccentric Exercise for Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy in Gymnasts/Dancers
I have worked with quite a few cases of proximal hamstring tendinopathy and/or ischial apophysitis in the last year. The cases I work with tend not be the "Type 1" running/sprinting based mechanisms commonly seen and discussed in literature,…