Download My New Gymnastics Pre-Hab For Free
Hey everyone! I'm not going to lie, I'm super excited that this blog post and resource is finally ready to release to the public.
I think pre-hab is one of the most important, yet confusing, areas of gymnastics. Talk about information overload…

An Essential Hip Strength Exercise All Gymnasts Need – Weighted Single Leg Hip Lifts
During the months of June and July, most gyms are going pretty hard on new strength programs to build strength and power needed for new skills. I'm in the same boat, doing quite a bit of progressive strength work in the gym and also with all…

Changing Gymnastics Culture : It’s Time to Have Some Really Hard Conversations
Before I dive into the background and why I wrote this book, if you are just looking for the download form you can find it here. As I will explain, it is 100% free and I am only asking for email/name verification in an effort to maintain website…

Needle Walk Ins to Improve Back Leg Split Flexibility, Leaps, and Jumps
I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year! Readers have really seemed to enjoy some more "quick tip" posts with easy to use drills in practice, so I wanted to share another one of my go to's today.
All gymnasts tend to struggle…

My Favorite 3D Hip Strength Exercise – Dynamic Side Plank Clamshells
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and New Year! Today I wanted to talk briefly about one of my favorite exercises I have started use a lot: the dynamic side plank clamshell. This is a combination of a few exercises, aimed to recruit certain…

Physical Preperation Must Haves for Gymnasts – A “10 Quick Tips” Guest Post by Nick Ruddock
Today, I'm excited to bring you Part 2 of the guest post series from my good friend Nick Ruddock. In his last guest post, Nick went over some fantastic points about preventing a toxic gymnastics training culture, and instead turning it into…

Video Quick Tip! Tall Kneeling Medball Transitional Slams
Last year I wrote a blog post on some common medicine ball exercises I use for both the gymnasts I coach and the gymnasts I treat for rehabilitation at Champion. These included med ball slams, seated overhead throws, and rotational throws.

Weightlifting for Gymnasts, and Gymnastics for Weightlifters – Episode #9 of the Vaughn Weightlifting Podacast
Today I'm really excited to share an episode of the Vaughn Weightlifting Podcast that I was fortunate to be asked on. Chad Vaughn is a 2x Olympian in the Sport of Weightlifting (2004 and 2008), is one of the coaches at Power Monkey I get to…

3 Easy Breathing Drills to Correct Over Arched Back Positions
I work with a lot of athletes struggling to correct very overextended lower back and anterior tilted pelvis positions. In itself, I really don't think a little bit of overextension and forward hip position is a huge deal. However, when it becomes…

Sideplank Clam/Reverse Clam for Hip Strength – Video Quick Tip
I'm a huge fan of using doublets or triplets in our strength program to sneak in some much needed, but often overlooked, hip exercises for the smaller stabilizer muscles. They are so important for both injury prevention and optimal hip performance…