Download My New Gymnastics Pre-Hab For Free
Hey everyone! I'm not going to lie, I'm super excited that this blog post and resource is finally ready to release to the public.
I think pre-hab is one of the most important, yet confusing, areas of gymnastics. Talk about information overload…

Band “U” with Overhead Press for Upper Back Strength
I know the last few weeks on the blog have been pretty dense, and more on the advice side than actual training tips. To bring things back, today I wanted to share a very short post on one of my favorite upper back strength exercises, the "U"…

My Favorite 3D Hip Strength Exercise – Dynamic Side Plank Clamshells
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and New Year! Today I wanted to talk briefly about one of my favorite exercises I have started use a lot: the dynamic side plank clamshell. This is a combination of a few exercises, aimed to recruit certain…

Why I Have Gymnasts Track Sleep, Fatigue, and Soreness Every Day
Click Below to Download Free Tracking Sheets
2017 Tracking Sheets Wildcats
One of the most helpful things I have started doing with our gymnasts is basic daily tracking and monitoring. By this, I mean having our competitive gymnastics team…

10 Quick Tips – Reducing Injury Risk During Gymnastics Season
I'm really excited to be getting back into writing more content in the next few months. I asked a lot of readers what was the most helpful, and one thing they mentioned was "Quick Tip" type blog posts.
People seem to really like being able…

3 Easy Breathing Drills to Correct Over Arched Back Positions
I work with a lot of athletes struggling to correct very overextended lower back and anterior tilted pelvis positions. In itself, I really don't think a little bit of overextension and forward hip position is a huge deal. However, when it becomes…

Why Do So Many Gymnasts Struggle with Rib Flaring During Skills? 5 Reasons Why and How to Help
There are a few issues in gymnastics that I think every coach, athlete, and parent recognizing as a problem. One of the most common is the concept of rib flaring. This refers to a shape that has an over-arched lower back, and usually comes…

Renegade Rows for Core Strength and Horizontal Pulling Balance
Today I wanted to quickly share another one of my favorite go to exercises when working with athletes of all kinds. It is used to build core strength, core control, and upper body horizontal pulling strength This exercise is called a renegade…

Video Quick Tip! Side Plank 1 Arm Rows
Today I wanted to quickly share one of my new favorite exercises I got from the strength coaches at Champion PT and Performance. As I've talked about before, it's really important that we are training all aspects of the core equally. As a whole,…

Combatting Wrist Injuries in Men’s Gymnastics: 5 Tips For Training
Wrist pain and wrist injuries are unfortunately a huge issue in men's gymnastics. I personally suffered from a lot of wrist pain towards the end of my career, along with many of my teammates. In the last six months or so I have treated 5 male…