Jessica O’Beirne of GymCastic and I Have an Epic Gymnastics Conversation

Over the last month, I have been working like crazy to get some awesome guests interviewed for The SHIFT Show.

Recently, I sat down with  Jessica O’Beirne, who started the internationally famous GymCastic Podcast, to have quite a monster chat about gymnastics.

It started out as me asking her to flip roles and join my podcast, and then ended up being a really fun back and forth Q&A type chat. It ended up being just over an hour and a half and covered a massive range of gymnastics topics possible. Check out this list of topics we covered,

  • How I came to realize I had a huge ego in coaching, and how I worked to change
  • Why Jessica started her podcast to begin with
  • Proper hip flexibility methods, and why we are seeing a huge spike in labral/hamstring growth plate/hip flexor/groin injuries in gymnastics
  • The impact that early college recruiting, the 10.0 scoring system, and NCAA gymnastics is having on young gymnasts
  • Why gymnastics culture is so stubborn to change landing technique and the risk of knee/spine injury that comes with improper landing
  • Why gymnastics needs better methods to calculate workloads
  • What needs to happen to change gymnastics culture
  • How Gymnastics Sports Medicine can evolve with the sport to support athletes
  • How men’s college gymnastics can prevent continued decline

I can’t thank Jessica enough for her time, and all the work she does to share gymnastics information. Really excited about this one!

You can now listen to the entire episode on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or through SHIFT’s Podcast Homepage.

If you find it helpful, please share with your gymnastics community!  Have a great week,

– Dave

Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS
CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science