Crucial Coaching Secrets from Miss Val and Nick Ruddock
If you follow the world of gymnastics, you know that Valorie Kondos Field and Nick Ruddock are absolute icons in our sport. 'Miss Val', as she is more commonly known, is the head coach of UCLA Gymnastics and recently won the NCAA Championship…

Why I Wrote My New Book, Achilles Tears and Tips to Change Gymnastics Culture – New Interview With the Routine Podcast
Hey everyone! Last month I was very thankful for the opportunity to be interviewed on The Routine Podcast with their hosts, Dianna and Chelcie. Originally, this podcast was going to center around the high rate of Achilles tears in collegiate/elite…

New Podcast with Nick Ruddock on Gymnastics Culture
A few months ago, I had the pleasure of welcoming my good buddy Nick Ruddock to come spend a few days in Boston with me. While in town, he hung out for a day at Champion PT to watch some of our gymnastics rehab programs. He also spent some time…

Changing Gymnastics Culture : It’s Time to Have Some Really Hard Conversations
Before I dive into the background and why I wrote this book, if you are just looking for the download form you can find it here. As I will explain, it is 100% free and I am only asking for email/name verification in an effort to maintain website…

Brain Spill #5: Stress Neuroendocrinology, Physical Therapy, Epigenetics, and Youth Athletes:
My blog posts in the last few months have been on the "meta" side of the fence, talking about things like overcoming failure, coaching style, and life psychology. I'm ready to dive into the wild nerdy rabbit hole again in a "Brain Spill" type…

How to Fail Like a Professional [Part 4 – Coaches ]
Today, I will wrap up the really awesome collaborative blog post series. In case you missed Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, be sure to check those out. Today things will end with some of the best coaches that I know. As I mentioned, many of them…

How to Fail Like a Professional [ Part 3 – Athletes]
This is Part 3 of this epic collaboration blog post on dealing with failure. In the first post (find it here) I talked about how I handled getting kicked out of Physical Therapy school in my last semester. In Part 2, I asked Mike Reinold, Lenny…

How to Fail Like a Professional [ Part 2 – Medical and Rehab ]
Last week in Part 1 of this blog post, I told readers about one of the biggest failures I've had to endure in my life: getting kicked out of Physical Therapy school in my last doctoral semester. I told the story, offered the approach that…

I Got Kicked out of Physical Therapy School in My Last Semester, and it Ended Up Being the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me.
That my friends, is a true statement. I have told very few people this until now, but I was actually kicked out of my graduate Physical Therapy program in the last possible semester, after 6 1/2 years of work and $230,000 of financial investment…

Does Positive or Negative Coaching Style Increase Injury Risk in Athletes?
Today I wanted to quickly touch on a really interesting article I read last month.
In The British Journal of Sports Medicine, a paper titled "Is there a correlation between coaches leadership style and injuries in elite football teams?" looked…