Tag Archive for: coaching

Gymnastics Strength Programs – 5 Must Have Pieces for High Performance
Today on the podcast I am happy to bring to you a lecture I gave for the Nevada Club Congress that was hosted by Cassie Rice at her gymnastics club.
I was asked to come on and talk about some strength and conditioning ideas and principles.

NCAA Gymnastics Nutrition – What Coaches, Gymnasts, and Parents Need to Know
Today on the podcast I’m super excited to have back third-time returner, the wonderful Christina Anderson who is a registered Dietitian and Board Certified Paediatric Specialist who specializes in eating disorders.
She's been a fantastic…

Bigger Leaps and Jumps with Specific Leg Conditioning Plans
This week on the podcast we have a very exciting episode that I think is going to be very popular for anyone who's looking to get better jumps, leaps, and dance elements.
This was a free consult with Emilie, who won one of our giveaways…

Why Coach to Coach Gossip Can Create Toxic Gym Cultures, and How To Fix It
This week on the podcast we discuss a very important topic, with my buddy Nick Roddick, and mental health counselor Rebecca Grady, who was recently on the podcast.
We touch an ‘elephant on the room topic’ that I think so many people…

Discussing A New Model of Gymnastics Part 3 – Micro Principles
This lecture series has been getting some serious downloads and sparking discussions, which is great to see! Like I said in Part 1, I definitely do not have the golden answers. But I do think some of these principles are really important for…

Our Gym’s Culture Was Toxic. Here’s Exactly How We Fixed It.
I think today's podcast is really, really going to help the gymnastics community. For the first time ever, my amazing boss Eva Shute (who runs our gymnastics entire gymnast program) and I sit down to share the exact steps we took to make our…

The Uncomfortable Conversation on Gymnastics Culture We Need To Have, But Aren’t.
There is no way to avoid the brutal reality: gymnastics culture is in need of a massive overhaul. This is not a new concept, as many have been talking about it over the last two decades.
However, the recent incredible documentary Athlete…

7 Tips for Dealing with Stubborn Gymnastics Coaches, Parents, and Gym Owners Who Refuse To Change
One of the most common questions I’ve been getting via direct message and email is some variant is this:
“What should I do if a coach / a parent / my gym owner refuses to change?
They are so stubborn and can't see they are the problem.…

Helping Gymnastics Coaches Stay Happy In The Gym and Change Their Cultures
If there is one thing that I know all gymnastics coaches deal with, it's frustration and times of burnout. I have delt with it, I've seen coaches I work with deal with it, and I know for a fact it's one of the number one things people tell me…

Miss Val of UCLA Gymnastics On The Future of Gymnastics and Developing Student Athletes
I got a bit of a surprise for everyone! I'm really excited to share an interview I recently did with the legendary Valorie Kondos Field, or "Miss Val" as she more commonly referred to, who is the legendary head coach of UCLA Gymnastics.