Skill Progressions, Mental Blocks, and Building Healthy and High Performing Gymnasts with Cale Robinson
Gymnastics requires a crazy amount of repetition, time, effort, and work to safely reach high levels of gymnastics.
But often times, there is a tug of war between wanting to stay up to pace with an athlete's talent/dedication through training…

How Did We Get Here? A Gymnastics Culture Rant Inspired by #AthleteA
Hi all, below is an #AthleteA inspired rant on the harsh reality of Gymnastics culture 7 years in the making for me.
To the survivors, families, journalists, & countless others who had the courage to stare evil in the face demanding…

The Hard Conversations Gymnastics Needs To Have
I'm so excited to get an absolute must hear interview up today about hard, but necessary, conversation with parents, gymnasts, and coaches. Last month, I wrote a very popular article, "7 Tips for Dealing with Stubborn Gymnastics Coaches, Parents,…

7 Tips for Dealing with Stubborn Gymnastics Coaches, Parents, and Gym Owners Who Refuse To Change
One of the most common questions I’ve been getting via direct message and email is some variant is this:
“What should I do if a coach / a parent / my gym owner refuses to change?
They are so stubborn and can't see they are the problem.…

How To Change Your Gymnastics Culture – An Honest Discussion About Mistakes and Uncomfortable Conversations
Not going to dance around it, the topic of changing gymnastics training culture is by far the 'elephant in the room' that most people are dealing with. Due to a variety of different reasons, many people are becoming more aware of the need to…

7 Culture Changes Gymnastics Needs for The Future
In the first few years of starting SHIFT, the most common questions I got from email or social media surrounded flexibility, injuries, physical preparation, or skills.
In the last two years, one new question has replaced these in the number…

Gymnasts Who Lift Weights and Have Off Seasons – How to Build “New School” Gymnastics Strength Programs
I'm incredibly excited to get this blog post and free lecture out to the gymnastics world. While I fully understand the need to use traditional gymnastics specific physical preparation programs, I firmly believe that a more hybrid approach…

Free Access To All Of My Gymnastics Book Chapters Now Available
6 Months ago I released a pretty big e-book called "Changing Gymnastics Culture: Lessons, Reflections, and Visions for the Future". It was 450 pages and 16 chapters, and in an effort to help the gymnastics world that is/was in quite a rough…

3 Must Have Coaching Habits for High Performance
I've been really fortunate to meet a lot of awesome coaches in the last five years of traveling and speaking. These include gymnastics coaches, strength coaches, sports psychology coaches, and more.
Jason Leydon is someone who I have learned…

The Biggest Areas For Change in Gymnastics and How Stress Affects Athletes
Since releasing my newest Gymnastics E-Book (find it for free here), I've been super grateful to be asked on a lot of podcasts and interviews. Most recently, I joined my good friend Dr. Ryan Debell on his show, The Movement Fix Podcast. To…