An Essential Hip Strength Exercise All Gymnasts Need – Weighted Single Leg Hip Lifts
During the months of June and July, most gyms are going pretty hard on new strength programs to build strength and power needed for new skills. I'm in the same boat, doing quite a bit of progressive strength work in the gym and also with all…

New Podcast with Nick Ruddock on Gymnastics Culture
A few months ago, I had the pleasure of welcoming my good buddy Nick Ruddock to come spend a few days in Boston with me. While in town, he hung out for a day at Champion PT to watch some of our gymnastics rehab programs. He also spent some time…

Changing Gymnastics Culture : It’s Time to Have Some Really Hard Conversations
Before I dive into the background and why I wrote this book, if you are just looking for the download form you can find it here. As I will explain, it is 100% free and I am only asking for email/name verification in an effort to maintain website…

The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make Returning to Training After a Shoulder Injury
I hope everyone is having a great week! Yesterday, my good friend and mentor Mike Reinold published a guest post that myself and another good friend of mine, Dan Pope, wrote for his website. In this article, we cover 5 of the biggest mistakes…

Band “U” with Overhead Press for Upper Back Strength
I know the last few weeks on the blog have been pretty dense, and more on the advice side than actual training tips. To bring things back, today I wanted to share a very short post on one of my favorite upper back strength exercises, the "U"…

Brain Spill #5: Stress Neuroendocrinology, Physical Therapy, Epigenetics, and Youth Athletes:
My blog posts in the last few months have been on the "meta" side of the fence, talking about things like overcoming failure, coaching style, and life psychology. I'm ready to dive into the wild nerdy rabbit hole again in a "Brain Spill" type…

10 Quick Tips – Safely Developing Hip Flexibility in Gymnasts
I've written some pretty in-depth articles on my thoughts related to hip flexibility research, injury mechanisms, and in gym methods, I think are useful. If you want to check them out, take a peek here, here, and here.
Also, if you want to…

10 Quick Tips – Reducing Injury Risk During Gymnastics Season
I'm really excited to be getting back into writing more content in the next few months. I asked a lot of readers what was the most helpful, and one thing they mentioned was "Quick Tip" type blog posts.
People seem to really like being able…

Online Access to the Gymnastics Physical Preparation Masterclass with Nick Ruddock is Now Available!
Last month I had the huge honor of being invited to speak in the United Kingdom along side Nick Ruddock. Nick has over 12 years of experience coaching at the elite and Olympic level of gymnastics. He has consulted with 12 gymnastics federations,…

3 Easy Breathing Drills to Correct Over Arched Back Positions
I work with a lot of athletes struggling to correct very overextended lower back and anterior tilted pelvis positions. In itself, I really don't think a little bit of overextension and forward hip position is a huge deal. However, when it becomes…