Building Explosive Vaults and Competing Them Safely with Pete Etherington
Today on The Shift Show I am joined by the esteemed Pete Etherington, an expert in the art of vaulting.
Vaulting is often considered a challenging discipline, with numerous factors to consider for athletes and coaches alike.
Pete shares…

Release Skill Development and Battling Dismount Mental Blocks With Will Banthorpe
In today's podcast, we are thrilled to have Will Banthorpe, an exceptional coach from the UK specializing in Men's Artistic Gymnastics.
Will is Head of MAG at Pipers Vale Gymnastics Club, GBR with 23 years of coaching experience.

Essential Mens Gymnastics Strength, Technique, & PreHab with Patrick Redfern
Today on the podcast by popular request, we are talking about all things Men's Artistic Gymnastics with Australian gymnastics coach Pat Redfern.
Pat is a shining example of a coach who has gone above and beyond with his continued coaching…

Nick Ruddock’s Yurchenko Systems For Building Power and High Level Vaults
I'm super grateful to be friends with Nick Ruddock, one of the world's most sought after coaches for technical and strategic development. He has worked in the highest levels of the sport, ranging from being a personal and national level coach…

Nick Ruddock’s Best Vault Drills, Techniques, and Coaching Tips
I'm excited to share an absolutely fantastic podcast episode with the SHIFT community today.
Nick Ruddock is one of my best buddies, and we regularly are talking and sharing ideas. He is one of the most sought after gymnastics coaches in…

Tom Meadows on Developing Elite Male Gymnasts and His Best Coaching Advice
Really excited to share some amazing content with everyone today! I was able to sit down and chat with one of the most highly respected coaches here in the US, Tom Meadows of Cypress Academy. Tom has one of the most impressive journeys in gymnastics,…

The Future of Men’s Gymnastics with Jake Dalton and Dave Durante
I originally had another blog post scheduled for today, but after an impromptu podcast last week at Power Monkey Camp, I couldn't hold out on posting this. I was very fortunate to sit down with two good friends of mine, Jake Dalton and Dave…

3 Must Have Coaching Habits for High Performance
I've been really fortunate to meet a lot of awesome coaches in the last five years of traveling and speaking. These include gymnastics coaches, strength coaches, sports psychology coaches, and more.
Jason Leydon is someone who I have learned…

The Worst Day of My Coaching Career, and 5 Lessons You Must Learn From It
In the 12 years that I have been coaching gymnastics, I have been lucky to experience some incredible moments. Like when one of our gymnasts hits a huge routine at Regionals and qualifies herself to nationals, causing everyone to erupt in celebration.…

If A Gymnast with Elbow Pain Has These 3 Things, It’s Time for a Checkup
There is no doubt that in the last decade, the rates of elbow injuries in young gymnasts has seemed to skyrocket. More than ever, overuse injuries like OCD (Osteochondritis Dessicans), stress fractures, and growth plate injuries like triceps…