5 In-Season Gymnastics Tips for Maximizing Meet & Routine Performance
Today’s episode of the Shift Show, is some quick tips for coaches, athletes, and parents for the upcoming competitive season.
This is a quick episode packed full of beneficial information for busy coaches, that you can listen to on your…

The 3 Biggest Nutrition Mistakes for Gymnasts and How to Help
Nutrition is by far one of the most important, yet most intimidating topics in the sport of gymnastics. It serves as the foundational base for gymnasts to fuel themselves properly, be able to train hard, and also then be able to recover their…

Gymnasts Who Lift Weights and Have Off Seasons – How to Build “New School” Gymnastics Strength Programs
I'm incredibly excited to get this blog post and free lecture out to the gymnastics world. While I fully understand the need to use traditional gymnastics specific physical preparation programs, I firmly believe that a more hybrid approach…

Free Access To All Of My Gymnastics Book Chapters Now Available
6 Months ago I released a pretty big e-book called "Changing Gymnastics Culture: Lessons, Reflections, and Visions for the Future". It was 450 pages and 16 chapters, and in an effort to help the gymnastics world that is/was in quite a rough…

Help Gymnasts Hit More Routines in Meets with These Essential Workload and Recovery Tips
It's around this time of the year that many people in gymnastics worldwide are gearing up for their first competitions. It usually brings with it lots of anxiety, an increase in training intensity, and unfortunately many times an increase in…

Changing Gymnastics Culture : It’s Time to Have Some Really Hard Conversations
Before I dive into the background and why I wrote this book, if you are just looking for the download form you can find it here. As I will explain, it is 100% free and I am only asking for email/name verification in an effort to maintain website…

Brain Spill #5: Stress Neuroendocrinology, Physical Therapy, Epigenetics, and Youth Athletes:
My blog posts in the last few months have been on the "meta" side of the fence, talking about things like overcoming failure, coaching style, and life psychology. I'm ready to dive into the wild nerdy rabbit hole again in a "Brain Spill" type…

Why I Have Gymnasts Track Sleep, Fatigue, and Soreness Every Day
Click Below to Download Free Tracking Sheets
2017 Tracking Sheets Wildcats
One of the most helpful things I have started doing with our gymnasts is basic daily tracking and monitoring. By this, I mean having our competitive gymnastics team…

The #1 Cause of Overuse Injuries and Burnout in Gymnastics, and How To Help
Every year I get a huge influx in emails from coaches and parents regarding their gymnasts having large spikes in overuse injury rates and burnout. They also report a lot of fatigue in their gymnasts, saying that despite their best efforts the…

Avoiding Pre Season Pit Falls In Gymnastics: 5 Training Concepts We All Must Consider
For almost all gymnastics programs, the summer training cycle has finished and teams are now moving towards pre-season. In order to maximize performance and reduce the risk of injuries over the entire competitive year, gyms must approach this…