The Best Strength Exercise Gymnasts Aren’t Using – The Deadlift
With the amount of time and focus that the majority of coaches place on strength and conditioning within gymnastics, I don’t think there is any debate about the fact that gymnasts need to be strong. However, there are many different methods…
Renegade Rows for Core Strength and Horizontal Pulling Balance
Today I wanted to quickly share another one of my favorite go to exercises when working with athletes of all kinds. It is used to build core strength, core control, and upper body horizontal pulling strength This exercise is called a renegade…
Slider Tuck Throughs : Video Quick Tip!
This week I wanted to share a quick post one of my favorite shaping based strength exercises. It is by no means new, as sliders and these types of exercises have been around forever. Slider Tuck Through variations are something I have put into…
3 Of My Favorite Cardio Workouts For Gymnasts During Competition Season
The topic of cardio training is something of huge importance for gymnastics coaches, medical providers, and athletes to spend time learning about. It can be overwhelming for many people if they have not been exposed to the information. To…
Increase Leg Power and Safety with Reactive Depth Jumps
After posting a very popular article on 5 of my favorite lower body power exercises, I had a lot of people contact me asking if I could break down a few exercises further. Today, I wanted to share an exercise I think needs to be a staple in…
Video Quick Tip! Medball V Up Passes
Today I wanted to share one of my favorite new core exercises that I have been using a lot. I originally saw a version of this from the strength coaches I work with at Champion, and tweaked it a little bit for our gymnastics team. Check out…
My Worst and Best of 2016
Right around this time of the year, many people look back on the last 12 months and share their best of the best content. I wanted to take a different spin on my yearly post of this nature. For one, rather than share blog posts I wanted to…
Healthcare Quick Tip – Unique Eccentric Exercise for Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy in Gymnasts/Dancers
I have worked with quite a few cases of proximal hamstring tendinopathy and/or ischial apophysitis in the last year. The cases I work with tend not be the "Type 1" running/sprinting based mechanisms commonly seen and discussed in literature,…
5 Leg Exercises to Build Explosive Power for Gymnastics
Explosive lower body power and the ability to dissipate high force are both crucial factors for gymnastics success. On the women's side, 3 of the events are primarily leg driven with substantial benefit given to those athletes that express and…
Comparing Weight Bearing Wrist Mobility to Ankle Mobility
It's become widely known that weight bearing ankle mobility is part of developing a full ranged, properly executed squat. Many people understand the common compensations that can develop such as limited depth, the knees rolling in, or lower…