Physical Therapy Services 

Dave currently sees clients at Champion Physical Therapy and Performance, located in Waltham, Massachusetts. Dave recently joined their team bringing his specialization in gymnastics, Olympic Weightlifting, CrossFit, and other orthopedic/sports performance rehabilitation. Champion PT & Performance was founded by renowned physical therapists Mike Reinold and Lenny Macrina. You can find more information about services and scheduling appointments by contacting Champion Physical Therapy for or by emailing Dave directly

Champion PT Logo




FAQ About Champion Physical Therapy Services

Do I Need To See A Doctor Before Starting Physical Therapy?

No.  You are allowed to see a physical therapist without a referral from a doctor.  Many times this saves time and money, and helps you feel better faster.  We will recommend you see a physician at times as needed, and can often assist you in getting an appointment fast with a physician within our network.

Do I Need To Have an Injury To See A Physical Therapist?

No.  Physical therapists are experts of the musculoskeletal system of the body.  We excel at identifying movement dysfunctions and imbalances that may be causing a current injury or can lead to future injury.  In addition to injury rehabilitation, we provide performance therapy using a combination of hands-ons manual therapy techniques and corrective exercises designed to optimize your body and enhance performance.

Do You Accept My Insurance?

Champion Physical Therapy is an out of network provider, meaning we do not directly accept insurance.  However, you can call your insurance company and ask them “what are my out of network physical therapy benefits?”  It’s usually a quick call to the number on the back of your card.  Many times they may reimburse you for all or some of your PT services, especially if you have a PPO (instead of an HMO).  We’ll give you all the information you need to get reimbursed.

The traditional insurance model does not allow us to treat the way we feel is best for you or spend the time with you that you deserve.

This allows us to spend more quality 1-on-1 time with clients and will help you feel better faster.  While most PT clinics see you 3x a week with many other patients at the same time, we usually see you 1-2x a week.  You tend to need less visits, and in the long run may end up spending less with us than a traditional PT practice when you consider your deductible, co-pay, and extra visits needed.

Speaking and Consulting Services

Dave travels throughout the country lecturing on gymnastics movement science, performance enhancement, and injury prevention.  Has been a guest clinician for Make It Right Elite/Hopes Gymnastics Camp, Dave Durante’s Power Monkey Camp, Regional Congress, and more. He also runs live seminars including the very popular Gymnastics rEvolution Seminars partnering with Dr. Josh Eldridge of Gymnast Care. For more information see the SHIFT Speaking Event’s page, or if you are interested in more seminar/consulting services please feel free to email Dave directly.
